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Official Portal of Cairo Governorate
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Cairo Governor inspects Cairo schools on second day of new academic year
10 October 2021

Cairo Governor Khaled Abdel Aal visited Sunday Sarya Al-Qubba and Nubar Preparatory Schools for Girls to follow up on the educational process and ensure that anti_covid_19 preventive measures are maintained after the new academic year began yesterday in Egypt.


Abdel Aal asserted the regularity of attendance at the 5624 schools in Cairo, which include 2900 public schools serving 2.5 million students.


During his tour, Abdel Aal congratulated students and teaching staff on the new academic year wishing them luck and success.


Moreover, Abdel Aal urged students to attend their classes regularly and assured parents that the state took all precautionary measures to protect students and maintain their health. He added that teaching staff and workers received the Covid_19 vaccination to ensure the safety of students.


Abdel Aal stressed the need to apply all preventive measures against Covid_19 at schools. He also urged directors of education departments to inspect schools daily and assured that they would not allow any violation.


Furthermore, the governor stressed that wearing face masks is mandatory for students, teachers, and visitors.


The governor also emphasized that all measures were taken to reduce classroom density and provide an adequate ventilation system inside each classroom.


Source: Media Department, Cairo Governorate