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Official Portal of Cairo Governorate
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Cairo Governor attends Cairo Cleaning and Beautification Authority celebration
9 November 2020

Cairo Governor Khaled Abdel Aal attended on Monday the celebration held by the General Authority of Cairo Cleaning and Beautification at the International Park to honor top students of the authority's employees.


During the celebration, the governor assured his keenness to meet the employees and participate in every celebration to show appreciation of their great and obvious efforts in cleaning the capital streets, as well as motivating their children to achieve more success and excellence, pointing out that top students are the real wealth of our country.


Furthermore, Abdel Aal greeted parents of the students stressing that parents had a significant role in encouraging their children.


The governor also expressed his appreciation of the workers' hard and sincere work, adding that their work contributes to reflecting the capital's civilized features.


Source: Media Department, Cairo Governorate