27 Saturday , July, 2024
Official Portal of Cairo Governorate
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Cairo International Festival for Experimental Theatre


Cairo International Festival for Experimental Theatre is a non-competitive festival organized by Egypt's Culture Ministry, and it aims at creating a state of communication and dialogue between various cultures and cities. It also aims at introducing the audience in Egypt and around the world to the latest theatre trends in the Egyptian theatre scene and the Arab countries.




The first activities of th1st session of the Cairo International Festival for Experimental Theatre began in 1988 in the last half of the 20th century due to stagnation and pause of scholarships and educational delegations that send students to different European cities to learn new theatrical methods and techniques. So, the alternative solution was to start theatrical performances from different cultures and cities around the world. The festival began under the auspices of the former Minister of Culture Farouq Hosni.  


The Cairo International Festival for Experimental Theatre provides an opportunity for all experimental performances from all over the world, chosen by an international jury. The festival grants awards for best acting, directing, decorating, and stage lighting, as well as honoring international figures interested in theatre.




After the revolution of January 25th in 2011, the festival was suspended and returned in 2014 as Cairo International Festival for Contemporary and Experimental Theatre and its first session was announced in November 2015. 



Last Update: 2024